Monday, December 1, 2008

7 Pounds of carrots.

So as a tribute to the Thanksgiving Holiday that we recently had; I have a stuffed story for all to enjoy. It all started with carrot soufflé. The conversation is as follows.

Me: No, everything is fine I am just waiting for the water to go down.
Ros: How much water is in there? The disposal has been running for awhile.
Me: Well, its going down a lot slower than I had hoped for.
Ros: What did you do?
Me: (Incredulous) I was disposing of the peelings from the 7 pounds of carrots that we skinned.
Ros: (More incredulous) You put seven pounds of carrots down the garbage disposal?
Me: No, I did not put seven pounds of carrots down the sink. I put the peelings down the sink.
Ros: Chris, why did you put them in the sink? Why not throw them into the garbage?
Me: Because we peeled them in the sink and I figured if we peeled them in the sink why not put them down the garbage disposal.
Ros: Because you can't put seven pounds of carrots down the garbage disposal and not expect it to break.
Me: I didn't put seven pounds of carrots down the disposal, I put the peels. And it is not's just not working.
::Ros walks over to inspect sink::
Ros: The sink is orange!
Me: (Matter of Fact) From the carrots.
Ros: Yes, Chris.
::She reaches over and turns on the disposal::
Ros: It looks like it's going down. Doesn't it?
Me: (Hopeful but not believing) Yeah, some.
Ros: Ugh. Why would you put seven pounds of carrots down the sink?
Me: I put the peels down not the whole carrot. You were sitting in the living room talking to me the whole time I was doing it, why not say something like, "Why don't you throw those in the garbage? It might clog the disposal."
Ros: I thought you knew it would clog the disposal.
Me: I thought the point of the disposal was to eat everything that you put in it.
Ros: Not seven pounds of carrots.
Me: It was just the peels. Don't worry I'll fix it. Can you get me a wire coat hanger?
Ros: Why?
Me: I am going to try to work out the clog. And could you also grab the plunger while your back there?

{2 hours later}

Me: I fixed it.
Ros: How?
Me: I took apart the pipes under the sink?
Ros: And?
Me: Well, some idiot put seven pounds of carrot peels down the sink and it clogged the pipes under the sink. I rinsed the pipes out outside.
Ros: So?
Me: So it works now, I put everything back together. And by the way I don't appreciate You putting seven pounds of carrots in the sink so that I have to fix it.
Ros: (Sarcastic) I'll make sure not to do that again.

Not the typical stuffing story for Thanksgiving but I hope you enjoyed out adventure.


Jennifer said...

Cute!!! She just couldn't understand it was 7lbs of peels, not carrots! :) LOL!

Carrie said...

LOL! Sounds like something Jonathan would do. :)

Jenn said...

I am telling you that sounds just like me and jeff! And this the reason why our husbands cannot have play dates without the mommies there!

Tara Libby said...


Melody said...

hahahaha. i think that version was funnier than the story told in person lol.

ST1215 said...

I'm a little late in posting a comment, but as many times as we "clogged" our sink with potato peelings (which is why we now buy red potatoes and cut them up with the peelings on the), you should have had a some sort of incling. I'm also glad that you get it honestly. :)