Friday, January 23, 2009

Our apologies

We're sorry that we have been slacking on blogging. We've been busy working on the debut of something new! We are finally ready to start announcing the "something new" to the general public.

While we have enjoyed meeting all of our wonderful clients as we started In His Image Photos, we felt the time had come to make some changes. We've started a new photography company and online photography journal. If you visit, you will see a lot of familiar faces along with our new logo and all of our new photography sessions. Now that it is up and running, you will also see the craziness of our personal and business life resuming.

To all of our past and current clients, THANK YOU! We look forward to continuing our relationship with you. Please feel free to take a short trip over to and make yourself at home!!

1 comment:

Telgenhoff Photographers said...

Love the pics here on the blog.